Call the meeting to order.
Pledge of Allegiance
Verify Legal Posting Notices
Roll Call
Approve the previous minutes as posted on our website.
Treasures Report
Chairmans Report
Roads and Road Work – Joe Norton
Public Input
Review/Vote on proposed wake enhancement ordinance
Committee Reports
Date of next town meeting 4/10/2025 at 6:00PM
Payment of bills
2025 Election Information
Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may submit a request to vote an absentee ballot to their clerk. A qualified elector is any U.S. citizen, who will be 18 years of age or older on Election Day, who has resided in the ward or municipally where they wish to vote for at least 28 consecutive days before the election. The elector must also be registered in order to receive an absentee ballot. Proof of identification must be provided before an absentee ballot may be issued.
You must make a request for an absentee ballot in writing or online at
Contact the Town Clerk to request that an application for an absentee ballot be sent to you for the election on April 1, 2025. You may also submit a written request in the form of letter or you may apply for an absentee ballot on line at Your written request must list your voting address within the Town of Chicog, the address where the absentee ballot should be sent, it different, and you signature. You may apply for an absentee ballot in person, by mail, by email or at
Making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail
The deadline for making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail is:
5 pm on the fifth day before the election, March 27, 2025
NOTE: Special absentee voting application provisions apply to electors who are indefinitely confined to home or a care facility, in the military, hospitalized, or serving as a sequestered juror. If this applies to you, contact the Clerk regarding deadlines for requesting and submitting an absentee ballot.
Voting an absentee ballot in person
You may also request and vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office or other specified location during the days and hours specified for casting an absentee ballot in person;.
In Person absentee voting will be by appointment only. Please contact the Town Clerk
The first day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office is March 18, 2025.
The last day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office is: March 30, 2025
No in-person absentee voting may occur on the day before the election.
The Town Clerk will deliver voted ballots returned on or before Election Day to the proper polling place before the polls close on TUESDAY April 1, 2025. Any ballots received after the polls closed will not be counted.
Town Clerk: Teresa L. Corrie: ph. # 715-466-4129, N11867 Brancel Rd,, Minong, WI 54859, email:
Electronic Ballot Tabulation
Under Wisconsin State Statute 5.84(1), public test of the electronic ballot tabulation system will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 2 pm at the Chicog Town Hall to ascertain that the equipment will correctly count the April 1, 2025 Election votes cast for all offices and on all measures. This test is open to the public. If you have any questions please contact the Town Clerk at 715-466-4129 or email
Submitted by:
Teresa L. Corrie
Town Clerk
Town of Chicog
Election Notice
Notice of Location and Hours of Polling Place
Office of Town Clerk,
To the Electors of the Town of Chicog:
Notice is hereby given of a town election and a General Election to be held in the Town of Chicog, Washburn County, on the 1th day of April, 2025, the polling place location will be: Chicog Town Hall, W8499 Highway 77, Trego, WI 54888.
The polling place will open at 7:00 A.M. and will close at 8:00 P.M. The polling place is accessible to elderly and voters with disabilities.
At which the offices named below shall be chosen. The names of the candidates for each office to be voted for, whose nominations have been certified to or filed in this office, are given under the title of the office, each in its proper column in the sample ballot below.
If you have any questions concerning your polling place, contact the municipal clerk: Teresa L Corrie, 715-466-4129, email:
Submitted by:
Teresa L. Corrie
Town Clerk
Town of Chicog
Annual Contract Bids
The Town of Chicog has the following Annual Contracts up for Bids:
1. Town Hall Cleaning
2. Town Hall Lawn Maintenance
3. Spring Clean-Up of the Chicog Cemetery
4. Chicog Cemetery ground maintenance
The contracts with duties & descriptions can be found on the Town of Chicog website at: (See Below) or by calling the Town Hall at 715-466-4525 or Terri Corrie, Clerk at 715-466-4129. All bids are to be received by March31, 2025 to Town of Chicog, W8499 Hwy 77, Trego, WI 54888.
The following contracts are up for bids for 2025. All bids are to be sent to Chicog Town Hall, W8499 Highway 77, Trego, WI 54888 by March 31, 2025. If you have any questions please call the Town Chairman at 715-466-4525 or Town Clerk at 715-466-4129.
Cemetery Mowing
1. Proof of Liability Insurance is required.
2. All areas will be mowed and trimmed as necessary until the ground freezes or the snow comes. This includes Grave Stones/Markers, Fence Posts & around Trees.
3. All areas that are not to be mowed will be marked. Planted flowers are allowed on Grave Sites. If there are any questions concerning an area please contact the Cemetery Board or Town Supervisor.
4. All arrangement(s) of any type will be moved and replaced after mowing & trimming.
5. The Cemetery will be mowed & trimmed for the following dates:
a. Memorial Day
b. July 4th
c. Labor Day
d. Veterans Day if necessary
e. Mowing as needed the rest of the season
Annual Cemetery Clean-up
1. Must be done by the week before Memorial Day.
2. Rake & pick-up all winter debris.
3. Haul away all debris. Contact Town chairman for place & times.
4. Remove any wreaths/flower arrangements.
5. Contact the Cemetery Board if any Grave Stones/Markers need attention and/or fixed.
6. Proof of Liability Insurance is required.
Town Hall Cleaning
1.Proof of Liability Insurance is required.
2. Sweeping and mopping of all floors to include the bathrooms, kitchen, Fire Department bathroom and main hall.
3. Clean kitchen cabinet surfaces, counter tops and all appliance surfaces.
4. Cleaning of windows and sills inside and outside as needed.
5. Clean all bathroom receptacles, diaper changing tables and mirrors. Replace toilet paper, hand towels, bowl disinfectant and hand soap as needed.
6. Clean windowsills, vents and light fixtures of bugs and dust.
7. Clean and disinfect tabletop surfaces.
8. Cleaning once a month is required, after major events or by request of the Town.
Town Hall Grounds Maintenance
1. Proof of Liability Insurance is required.
2. Mowing of Grounds at least once a month or as conditions require or by request of the Town.
3. All debris will be hauled away, i.e. grass clippings, sticks/limbs, leaves etc.
4. Trimming/Weed whipping around all structures, trees, fences, etc. including inside and outside of the Generator fence.
5. All debris to be cleaned of sidewalks, Drive and Parking lot.
A public hearing to discus the proposed Town of Chicog ordinance restricting certain artificial wake enhancement shall be held on Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 8:00am at the Chicog Town Hall located at W8499 Hy. 77, Trego Wi. 54888. Written comments will be accepted until 4:00pm January 31, 2025.
The proposed ordinance will affect the lakes in the Town of Chicog in Washburn County.
A copy of the proposed ordinance and condition report may be inspected prior to the hearing at the Chicog town hall during normal business hours, or you can request an electronic copy of these documents by emailing the Town Chairman at You can also request these at the following phone number. 715-699-4173.
Submitted by
Teresa L Corrie
Town Clerk
Electronic Ballot Tabulation
Under Wisconsin State Statute 5.84(1), public test of the electronic ballot tabulation system will be held on Tuesday, October 29. 2024 at 3 pm at the Chicog Town Hall to ascertain that the equipment will correctly count the November 5, 2024 Election votes cast for all offices and on all measures. This test is open to the public. If you have any questions please contact the Town Clerk at 715-466-4129 or email
Submitted by:
Teresa L. Corrie
Town Clerk
Town of Chicog
Notice of Location and Hours of Polling Place
At the General Election to be held on November 5, 2024, in the Town of Chicog, Washburn County, the polling place location will be: Chicog Town Hall, W8499 Highway 77, Trego, WI 54888 for all wards.
The polling place will open at 7:00 A.M. and will close at 8:00 P.M. The polling place is accessible to elderly and voters with disabilities.
If you have any questions concerning your polling place, contact the municipal clerk: Teresa L Corrie, 715-466-4129, email:
Submitted by:
Teresa L Corrie
Town Clerk
Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may submit a request to vote an absentee ballot to their clerk. A qualified elector is any U.S. citizen, who will be 18 years of age or older on Election Day, who has resided in the ward or municipally where they wish to vote for at least 28 consecutive days before the election. The elector must also be registered in order to receive an absentee ballot. Proof of identification must be provided before an absentee ballot may be issued.
You must make a request for an absentee ballot in writing or online at
Contact the Town Clerk to request that an application for an absentee ballot be sent to you for the election on November 5, 2024. You may also submit a written request in the form of letter or you may apply for an absentee ballot on line at Your written request must list your voting address within the Town of Chicog, the address where the absentee ballot should be sent, it different, and your signature. You may apply for an absentee ballot in person, by mail, by email or at
Making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail
The deadline for making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail is:
5 pm on the fifth day before the election, October 30, 2024
NOTE: Special absentee voting application provisions apply to electors who are indefinitely confined to home or a care facility, in the military, hospitalized, or serving as a sequestered juror. If this applies to you, contact the Clerk regarding deadlines for requesting and submitting an absentee ballot.
Voting an absentee ballot in person
You may also request and vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office or other specified location during the days and hours specified for casting an absentee ballot in person;.
In Person absentee voting will be by appointment only. Please contact the Town Clerk
The first day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office is October 17, 2024.
The last day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office is: November 3, 2024
No in-person absentee voting may occur on the day before the election.
The Town Clerk will deliver voted ballots returned on or before Election Day to the proper polling place before the polls close on TUESDAY November 5, 2024. Any ballots received after the polls closed will not be counted.
Town Clerk: Teresa L. Corrie: ph. # 715-466-4129, N11867 Brancel Rd,, Minong, WI 54859, email:
Notice that the Assessment Roll is Open for Examination and Open Book
Town of Chicog, Washburn County Pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 70.45, the assessment roll for the Year 2024 assessment will be open for examination on the 31st day of August, 2024 at 10 am until 12 pm at the Chicog Town Hall.
Additionally, the assessor shall be available during this time frame. Instructional material will be provided at the open book to persons who wish to object to valuations under Wis. Stat. § 70.47.
Notice of Meeting to Adjourn Board of Review to Later Date
Town of Chicog, Washburn County
The Board of Review will meet on the 12th day of June, 202 4 at 5:45 pm. At the Chicog Town Hall for the purpose of calling the Board of Review into session during the 45 day period beginning on the 4th Monday of April, pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 70.47(1).
Due to the fact the assessment roll is not completed at this time, the Board of Review will be adjourned until the 14th day of September 2024 at 10 am.
Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board of Review:
1. After the first meeting of the Board of Review and before the Board of Review’s final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may contact or provide information to a member of the Board of Review about the person’s objection, except at a session of the Board of Review. Open book shall occur no less than 7 days prior to the Board of Review.
2. The Board of Review may not hear an objection to the amount or valuation of property unless, at least 48 hours before the Board of Review’s first scheduled meeting, the objector provides to the Board of Review Clerk written or oral notice of an intent to file an objection, except that upon a showing of good cause and the submission of a written objection, the Board of Review shall waive that requirement during the first 2 hours of the Board of Review’s first scheduled meeting, and the Board of Review may waive that requirement up to the end of the 5th day of the session, or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than 5 days, with proof of extraordinary circumstances for failure to meet the 48-hour notice requirement and failure to appear before the Board of Review during the first 2 hours of the first scheduled meeting.
3. Objections to the amount or valuation of property shall first be made in writing and filed with the Board of Review Clerk within the first 2 hours of the Board of Review’s first scheduled meeting, except that, upon evidence of extraordinary circumstances, the Board of Review may waive that requirement up to the end of the 5th day of the session, or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than 5 days. The Board of Review may require objections to the amount or valuation of property to be submitted on forms approved by the Wisconsin n Department of Revenue, and the Board of Review shall require that any forms include stated valuations of the property in question. Persons who own land and improvements to that land may object to the aggregate valuation of that land and improvements to that land, but no person who owns land and improvements to that land may object only to the valuation of that land or only to the valuation of improvements to that land. No person may be allowed in any action or proceedings to question the amount or valuation of property unless the written objection has been filed and that person in good faith presented evidence to the Board of Review in support of the objections and made full disclosure before the Board of Review, under oath, of all of that person’s property liable to assessment in the district and the value of that property. The requirement that objections be in writing may be waived by express action of the Board.
4. When appearing before the Board of Review, the objecting person shall specify in writing the person’s estimate of the value of the land and of the improvements that are the subject of the person’s objection and specify the information used to arrive at that estimate.
5. No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board of Review by telephone, or object to a valuation if that valuation was made by the assessor or the objector using the income method of valuation, unless no later than 7 days before the first meeting of the Board of Review, the person supplies the assessor with all the information about income and expenses that the assessor requests, as specified in the Assessor’s Manual under Wis. Stat. § 73.03(2a). The Town of Chicog has an ordinance for the confidentiality of information about income and expenses that is provided to the assessor under this paragraph that provides exceptions for persons using information in the discharge of duties imposed by law or the duties of their officer or by order of a court. The information that is provided in this paragraph, unless a court determines that it is inaccurate, is not subject to the right of inspection and copying under Wis. Stat. § 19.35(1).
6. The Board of Review shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or disabled persons who present to the board a letter from a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice nurse prescriber certified under Wis. Stat. § 441.16(2) that confirms their illness or disability. No other persons may testify by telephone unless the Board of Review, in its discretion, has determined to grant a property owner’s or their representative’s request to testify under oath by telephone or written statement.
7. No person may appear before the Board of Review, testify to the Board of Review by telephone, or contest the amount of any assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the first meeting of the Board of Review, or at least 48 hours before the objection is heard if the objection is allowed under Wis. Stat. § 70.47(3)(a), that person provides notice to the Board of Review Clerk as to whether the person will ask for the removal of a member of the Board of Review and, if so, which member, and provides a reasonable estimate of the length of time the hearing will take.
8. No person shall be allowed to appear before the board of review, to testify to the board by telephone or to contest the amount of any assessment of real or personal property if the person has refused a reasonable written request by certified mail of the assessor to enter onto property to conduct an exterior view of the real or personal property being assessed.
Notice is hereby given this 30th day of May, 2024 by:
Teresa L. Corrie
Town Clerk
March 22, 2024
1. Meeting called to order at 10:00am.
2. Roll Call: All present
3. Audit conducted.
4. Discrepancies found between Clerk’s & Treasurer’s figures.
5. Motion made by Sue Kowarsch and seconded by Brian Berg to adjourn the meeting and reconvene on March 26, 2024 at 2:30 pm to allow figures to be straighten up.
Motion passed
6. Meeting adjourned.
March 26, 2024
1. Meeting called to order at 2:30 pm.
2. Roll call: all present
3. Audit continued.
4. Motion made by Brian Berg and seconded by Sue Kowarsch to approve the audit. Motion passed
5. Motion made by Brian Berg and Seconded by Sue Kowarsch to adjourn. Motion passed.
6. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm
Town of Chicog LTE Position
Town of Chicog is seeking applicants to fill a vacancy in the Highway Department for a Highway Seasonal LTE. The purpose of this position is to provide additional assistance for seasonal operations of highway maintenance. The primary functions of this position include, but are not limited to: shoveling gravel and blacktop patching, clearing debris from roadways, cleaning, and maintaining equipment, traffic flagging, mowing with light duty tractor, Snow plowing with dump truck or grader. Loading and hauling gravel. This position will require a flexible work schedule and hours.
REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: Ability to effectively use hand tools. Ability to understand and follow written and oral instructions. Ability to work independently. Good physical condition necessary to perform job duties; including ability to lift heavy loads, ability to work in extreme heat/adverse weather conditions, and ability to stand for long periods of time. Must be punctual, possess a strong work ethic, and be able to work effectively with a wide variety of people. Must possess or can obtain a CDL license within 90 days of employment.
EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Must have graduated from high school or passed high school equivalency-based test (GED). Must have valid WI driver’s license, and possess a good driving record. Must pass a Federal Medical Card. Employee is subject to drug and alcohol testing. Starting salary is $18.00/hr. This is a temporary seasonal position not to exceed 500 hours. For an application contact Scott Pahos at 715-699-4173 or e-mail at, or download an application from our town website. Resumes will be accepted but will not take the place of a completed application. Recruitment will continue until position is filled. Completed applications should be mailed to:
Town of Chicog
W8499 State Hy. 77
Trego, Wisconsin 54888
Town of Chicog is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Town brush site open to the public! We will be leaving the site open 24/7 for brush disposal until further notice, but it will be monitored. Sorry for the inconvenience of all the schedule changing.
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Curt Hubatch:
Jan Bliss:
Lou Columbus:
National Websites for More Information on Community Rights Are:
Chairman – Scott Pahos Email: Phone: Treasurer – Kathy Strohmeyer Email: Phone: | 1st Supervisor – Brian Berg Email: Phone: Clerk – Terri Corrie Email: Phone: | 2nd Supervisor – Sue Kowarsch Email: Phone: |
Bibliodragon (bookmobile) at Chicog town hall from 11am-1pm on:
November 14th
December 12th
January 9t 13th
March 13th
April 10th
May 8th
June 12th
- April 17, 2025 - 3:30 pm - Annual ESG Meeting
- April 26, 2025 at 10:00 am - Annual Town Meeting
- May 24, 2025 at 9:00am - 3:00pm Craft Fair at Town Hall
- May 26, 2025 - Memorial Day Ceremony at Chicog Cemetery
- June ? 2025 - Town Clean-up Day
- October 11, 2025 at 10:00 am - 12 pm - Chicog Fire Department Pancake Breakfast.
- Nov 22, 2025 at 5:00pm -8:00pm - Hunter's Feed at Town Hall